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[CLOSED PR] Adjusts Wraith Chance On Traitor
(02-18-2023, 07:24 AM)CalliopeSoups Wrote: Agreed that the window bug has made wraiths much more troublesome recently (particularly trickster).

I used to really want a higher wraith chance but I think until some measures are taken to make countering them wider knowledge it would be impossible. I also feel like even though wraith itself is extremely fun on RP and has high potential especially as a trickster, the one antag that comes with the wraith can tend to be very forwardly blown off by sec and crew for the bigger threat. Currently wondering whether making wraith on RP a single antag thing would be a good call, or give the antag that spawns with a wraith some way to know there is one, so they can play more accordingly.

I can assure you, single antag wraith is BOOOOORING.
The wraith has to kill monkey's SOMEHOW without people shutting them down with SALT.

While some wraiths use fun methodes to get players to RP monkey murdering. Relying only on players killing monkeys is not always the best.

In my opinion... the only way to make wraith work as a single antag is to have a living body they can go in and out of before becoming a "Class" that they have to protect before becoming a Trickster, Plague or such. OOORRR....
Have a living antagonist buddy as you recommend, but insted of it being a traitor who knows.
Have it be like "Spirit Confidant"

They can see the wraith perfectly and need to sacrifice monkeys and players to the wraith. The wraith can freely talk to them without a cooldown or points and their goals are the same. If the Spirit Confidant dies, it will automaticly become a wraith minion. (Depending on the level of wraith of course) Or just a normal Poltergeist.
Also the spirit confidant can also commit ceremonial suicide to give the wraith extra points and join them as a concept.

At this point I have no problem with the wraith being a solo antag in RP or an extra antag in classic.
But normally RP has atleast 2-3 antags per round, unless it's low pop then it's one.
But having 1 wraith and 1 confidant + 1 possible spy/thief on higher pop? Just fine with me.

I stil think there just needs to be more direct ways to fight a wraith to increase its spawn rate in general.

Blobs, arcfiends, vampires,werewolves,changelings,wizards,flock,nukies,conspirators,revolutionaries,gangs. All of them can die to just bringing a Tool Box and swinging it at them and being robust.

Wraiths? You can only robust em if you get em to materlize... wich means you need salt... from Science or Bartender.. Or a spirit candles, wich requires a skull + candle.
So you need a skull from a monkey and a candle, then light it and hope it doesnt go out or else it's wasted.

In my opinion... there needs to be a way to "Summon a wraith" to your location using the Ouija board. But by doing so you give it power... so it has a chance to fight back. Of course if we add the wraith confidant in, they cannot use the ouija board at all. If they try it will give consiquences to them.

Anyhow.... that's my suggestions.

For single wraiths.. give them an assistant to work with or else most of the shift the wraith will be waiting for dead monkeys.
For increased spawns... give a way to fight the wraith directly.. like summoning them with a oujia board.

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RE: [PR] Adjusts Wraith Chance On Traitor - by Kotlol - 02-18-2023, 08:56 AM

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