Mentor App- eggcereal (Litol Guy, Aiden Caster)
Usual character name: Litol Guy, Aiden Caster, Random name sometimes
BYOND username: eggcereal
Discord username (if you are on our discord): quince#4423
Recommended by (if applicable): Munien
Goon servers you play: Goon 3 & 4 (a 4 regular for the most part)
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

Although I've only been playing since March 2022, to say this game has enthralled me like no other is an understatement. I have over 2000 hours clocked in the rp servers and try to spend most of it making sure that people in the round are having as much fun as possible. Recently, I've been random naming in roles I see a lot of new people in to see if i can give them a good head start in a department, and have been asked several times if I'm willing to play another shift just to walk someone through power set up- which has led me here, to making an application.  I want to give people the positive and engaging experiences that hooked me onto the game. I know mentorship isn't the only way to do this, so if this doesn't get accepted then oh well- but I feel like this would allow me more ways to help and the ability to help more people.

Much of my experience is centered around Engineering, Medical, Science, and Botany.

I know how to set up the TEG, Singularity, Catalytic Generators, and the Nuclear engine. I understand how they generate power, and in the game try to guide people in ways where they don't just have to memorize a setup. I know how the Harmonic Siphon works, and love showing people when I get the chance to.

I have a good understanding of both the basics and more advanced parts of Robotics and Genetics, have played a good deal of Medical doctor, and know how to make the more advanced chemicals. I think Medical is a really good beginner's job, where you have enough down time to learn, get used to controls, and plus you have a really easy premise to start rping.

I spend a good deal of time in Research nowadays, and have been slowly picking up the best ways not to die in artlab. I know how DWAINE works and take a great deal of time to watch how other people run the lab.

Botany is one of the introductory jobs that I love dearly and know a great deal of but I still am learning more about constantly. I can splice and infuse with the best of them, and try to pass this info along to anyone who asks.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None as far as I know!

Messages In This Thread
Mentor App- eggcereal (Litol Guy, Aiden Caster) - by eggcereal - 01-26-2023, 03:03 PM

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