Wolf Muddler Mentor Application
Usual character name: Wolf Muddler
BYOND username: Jackary1
Discord username (if you are on our discord): jaack#4928
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Goon1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I have always been interested in this games community, going from feeling like I'm barely a member of the community, to feeling well respected in and out of the game. Mentoring was originally something I'd thought never would've came to my mind, but over the last 2 months I've become more and more interested in becoming a mentor. Since then, I've grown a desire to help the community. This is something I feel I can do well.

I started off in August 2022, playing as a Botanist. Initially, I was quite a bit clueless. I learned about SS13 from Boat Bomber and Charborgs videos, and Botanist is a staple of those, so I decided to try botany out, this gave me (obviously) quite a bit of Botanist knowledge, and a bit of Chem knowledge as well.

My chem knowledge would be further expanded on with my next job of choice, Bartender. I became well knowledgable in the world of Drinks. I also did quite a bit of poisoning as traitor Bartender, remembering the recipes for Sarin and Neurotoxin off the top of my head. Bartending gave me alot of Chemical knowledge, which led me into maining..

Scientist was my next main, and the start of me as a community member. I went from the name Jacque Pascal to Wolf Muddler, and with this name change, came a change in knowledge. I became interested in everything. I did Artsci a whole ton, and then eventually gathered the nerve to learn Telesci and as of recent, Toxins. I'm able to construct a pretty OK ttv in 15 minutes, able to tide Caps spare with peak precision, and able to ID most arts with Dwaine, without Dwaine, and with the thingamajig.

Detective was my next main, here I learned the basics of Security and the basics of aiming. I prided myself on trying to get fair brig times for everyone. Not much else comes from doing det shit, so I'll continue to

Captain. My current main and the main thing I do. I am a relatively fair captain, with an interest in helping the station (Mainly Security and Engineering). I check in with crew of every department 5-15 minutes. I pride myself on defending Command during revs, putting myself before any other command member. This is also where my character of Wolf Muddler split in two, with "GeneTek Operative Muddler", my Traitor character, surfacing. And becoming the main thing I think I'm known for. GeneTeks entire purpose was to use strange lesser known traitor items, and it still is. I've learned how to use Telegun, Bowling Kit, Handheld chemicompiler, and as of recent, signaller implants.

Recently I've also been playing Mining and Engineering, and randomnaming as Secoff. I'd like to learn these jobs more and more, so I'll continue practicing them.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

Messages In This Thread
Wolf Muddler Mentor Application - by Jackary - 12-24-2022, 03:17 PM

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