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Guide for Crisis's
In the world of SS13 a lot of the thing we need info on we "Wiki" it.

Wraith attacking? "WIKI IT"
Singuloose? "WIKI IT"
Wizard? "WIKI IT"

We look too much into Wiki-ing to get our info... and well alt tabbing doesn't feel intuative. It feels like "You have to cheat"
While most info on the wiki is available in books, in game guides and such.

There is just ONE thing that isn't in the game....

A guide on what to do in certain crisis's.
You know regulatory things.

There are a lot of alarms and events that litterly do not have a Modus Operande standard for everyone to know.
Most well known is the meteor strike on the station (or cybershark)
Cargo orders meteor shields wich is standard... but...
Who deploys em? Security? Engineering? Whoever is available?
I have seen so many times where Engineering won't do it cause they are doing whatever.
Security won't do it since they are busy or think ENgineering has it.
And whoever is available sometimes does not have access to all deployment spots needed.

So why not make a guide that is on the bridge that has "The code of emergencies" book. (or somewhere anyone can read it)

Now this is only a suggestion right now and we have to decide wich emergencies or crisis's we put in and are considered standard.
What has priorities in crisis's, wich department does what in each crisis and such.

Note that this book is a guidebook but can be 100% ignored by incompentent crew. It's a funny farty specperson game.
But... maybe having an universe guidebook written by "expirenced" captains, could help streamline things that are normally very messy and unclear or just a fun extra book for people to make fun of.

Messages In This Thread
Guide for Crisis's - by Kotlol - 12-10-2022, 09:12 AM
RE: Guide for Crisis's - by George_Manning - 12-12-2022, 08:21 AM
RE: Guide for Crisis's - by Kotlol - 12-12-2022, 10:36 AM
RE: Guide for Crisis's - by NanoDano - 12-16-2022, 11:13 AM

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