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A separate thread to discuss antags (ft. how it relates to metacliquing)
[edit on 10/08/2022: I was informed that I was mistaking the opinions expressed by admins on sec play on the rp channel as reflections of official policy, rather than recognizing them as opinion. I apologize for the misunderstanding and have removed the parts of this post that push this narrative]

many secoffs end up validhunting the hell out of any antagonist who shows even the slightest mechanical signs of being antagonists, unless those antagonists happen to be Their Friends, in which case they get leeway to properly rp. antags who aren't part of that select group don't end up having the leeway to actually escalate because of this, and are either forced to go loud and deadly ASAP or to be as subtle about their antag stuff as possible. it's pushed to be either all or nothing, and the subtle option, which lends antags more freedom in theory, ends up making for a really unsatisfying story because you just can't RISK bringing more people in lest you get supertazed and immediately put down for it

conversely, the upwards trend of the only active antags on rp being ones that will immediately robust you into the sun leaves secoffs more likely to treat any antag as an issue to be resolved, rather than an opportunity to build up the story of the round. this, too, is why some sec regulars regularly go Very Easy on antags whose player they're already familiar with: it's someone who they can trust not to fuck them over narratively. it ends in a great round for them, but a boring or frustrating round for everyone else on-station

don't get me wrong, I fucking hate when an antag gimmick is just "I'm nice I'm your friend (: I'll do nothing evil ALL round" without any level of intrigue or subterfuge. I'm not arguing that anything like that should be normalized or encouraged. interestingly, this is an antag playstyle that I've seen on the rise, as of late, since it leaves sec with no sturdy reason to go after them. in an environment where sec is geared to take ANY reason to go after antags, I suppose it's only natural that people would look for some way around that in order to make sure they can Play The Game They Came Here To Play.

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RE: A separate thread to discuss antags (ft. how it relates to metacliquing) - by Waffleloffle - 09-29-2022, 09:41 AM

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