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Making kudzu people similar to antag intruders
Let's make kudzu people full antagonists, bringing them out of that greyish area. 
To compensate the antag status and preventing antag fishing, it would be possible to make kudzu people only spawn at certain thresholds of kudzu growth (in tiles) and from the pool of ghosts. They would be chosen from the pool of ghosts (like antag critters and intruders do) and respawned at a random tile that is fully covered in kudzu at some thresholds, like each 50 tiles of kudzu, for example. 
The main directive for that antag critter would be the same: make the kudzu grow as big as one can, and protect it from the humans that want to harm it.

This way we both solve the problem of "kudzu fishing" and the problem of kudzu not being real antags with nobody really knowing what to do with them.

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Making kudzu people similar to antag intruders - by Chatauscours - 07-16-2022, 06:41 AM

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