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[CLOSED PR] Allow players to deconstruct APCs
Hi, this is my drafted PR. I want to make it harder and more obvious when players are deconstructing APCs, because these are vital parts of the station and it should not be as trivial as it currently is (in the PR) to take them down. I'm thinking like how rwalls are taken down, but with the graphic above your head of the action.
Something like:
- ID (Unlock panel)
- Cover lock (Disengage cover lock)
- Crowbar (Expose power cell)
- Remove cell (I can check for this with a simple "is cell null" so it works)

Then the deconstruction process begins:
- Screwdriver (You begin loosening the panel screws..)
- Welder (You begin slicing the APC's connection to the wall..)
- Wrench (You begin loosening some bolts...)
- Crowbar (You begin prying the APC on its left side...)
- Wirecutters (You begin snipping the wires on its left side...)
- Crowbar (You begin prying the APC on its right side...)
- Wirecutters (You begin snipping the wires on its right side...)

And then the player can deconstruct it. Obviously the above is unrealistic to how the APC might actually work, I dunno. Would definitely make it more tedious!
(Player-built APCs would have a player construction flag, making the above only happen for pre-existing APCs.)

Actually after some discussion on #ss13-discussion I may make it so that you can deconstruct it as-is (which is good, that will make the code part easier) but:

The CE then spawns with a Very Specific Wrench™️ that you can't replicate, which turns a Very Specific Bolt™️ (that you can't turn otherwise) making it deconstructable

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Allow players to deconstruct APCs - by Meggal Bozale - 05-27-2022, 09:40 AM

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