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Aeon Von Ludwig Story
Still not Canon to the Lore.
Audio Log #76356, Interrogation room N°1, xx/xx/2053.

??? "-Okay. Öffnen Sie das "Port-a-Brig.""

Schlank ! Paf. 

Aeon : "Laissez moi partir ! Putain de Syndicat ! NT va remarquer mon Absence !"

???: "-Lassen Sie mich bei ihm, ich werde ihn befragen."

Soldier : "-Ja Prinzessin."

tap tap tap tap, Clunk.

Aeon : Je vous jure je vais vous tab-"

??? : "C'est Bon Aeon. Calme toi. Cut the act, they are gone."

Aeon : "Ah, enfin... Ravie de vous voir Pri-"

??? : "Hey, switch to English. I checked the record of those two, they can't understand a word of it. So if they listen, they will think you just spilled the beans."

Aeon: " Sorry your Majesty Eole." 

[Image: Aeonterogation_2.png]

Eole : "Don't worry. Last time we saw each other, it was ... 3 weeks before the end of the War ? Right ? Your mother, Maria Shnee if I recall correctly, gave me a letter. She is allright. Tryed to sneak into NT to say hello to you !... Yeah. She got caught at centcom and send back. Good think that my father or his goon never learned that, or your mother would be... Dead."

Aeon : "... Yeah... So. What do you want ? Why am I here ?"

Eole : "First : I want a update on your situation. You are so much easyer to kidnap than Mister Hartman, Mister Bandog, Or even Mister Curtiss."

Aeon : "Ahah."

Eole : "Second : the Hoffnung Division of the Syndicate will send Aneo Riddle, your dear Cousin to infiltrate NT as you. Normal Identity theft... But you know him :"

Aeon and Eole : "He will try, he will fail, he will surrender, He will somehow break free from centcom, and then he will come back home crying before attempting it again."

Aeon : "Dieser Kerl ist der schlechteste Agent der Gewerkschaft."

Eole : "Finaly... I need to know more of your past. During this war."

Aeon : " Hein ?"

Eole : "Aeon. I need the name of All of your collegues from the war, the ones who got killed or detained... All of those person was deleted from all files in Hoffnung. Only a few in power knows. And dont count on them to tell the famillys."

Aeon : "... I see."

Eole : "... Well ? Begin talking. Tell me how is your situation now, in NT". 

Aeon : "I... Well... Its allright... Maybe even fun ? NT has not the same atmosphere as Hoffnung. Its... Smaller. Well, except for the Ozymandias station, very big station, I felt like home a bit, but... Yeah, we rarely go there.  I am no longer a Medical doctor or even a search and rescue pilot. I am a Roboticist."

Eole : "ahwhatnow ?"

Aeon : "A medical doctor specialized in Cyborg and Robots." 

Eole : "... Ah. That will be usefull later." 

Aeon : "Huh... Welp, I also made some friend... And a Very good friend. I truly love that NT can use this cyborg tecnology... Its a advancement, a second chance... But they dont view those borgs has human, or even Ex-human. They became just machine. Diantre, we still use Azimov Laws ! But its a injustice, and I hope it will change someday.  I still can perform has a Doctor. I can also use my pilot skills has miner too." 

Eole : "Cool... Now. About the past. Who was in your squad ?" 

Aeon : "... Allright... When the war began, Many outpost outside of Hoffnung, on and under the surface of Enceladus became the rebellion's bases of operation. You may know some : The miner Outpost, the power outpost... Many were abondonned. One wasnt. On the Surface, my mom made a "school" for those who werent liked on the station... Son and daughter of political rivals. It was on one of the exploration outpost. The "Anfag Lighthouse", or just the Lighthouse. The teachers, you know 2 of them. Ideo Hartman, And Archer Bandog. But there was also Leutenant Lina Dietrich. They were teaching to us, the basic : Math, languages, science...

Yeah, I remember my group well. Alexander Delkaly , Son of one of the last Unterwald Board member still alive, a nerd. There was Sasha Donovan, the daughter of a Soviet, quite the brutal red head. The was also Elena, the daugther of one of Your father ex-house maids, who encovered something bad. She was a big fan of Leutenant Lina... The woman was kinda badass too. There was also Jora. My best friend. A synical but kind guy, quite a brute too, and the son of one of the scientist killed by the Artifact bomb."

Eole: "They seems nice... How did you guys get caught in this war ?"

Aeon: "Well... Our lives were ruined by your father. Riegeln created the Artsci departement, then put my fucking family to the ground. He tryed to kill is own housemaid, and put a soviet and a Unterwald Board member because he was... just... Scared of them ! When the war began and a bit of the Army joinned the Rebellion. And Lina was one of them. She used the outpost as a base. So this was  the crew... Ideo and my mother stayed neutral, and Alphonse joined us later on..."

Eole : "... How did it end ?..."

Aeon : "... I-... Do... Do I need to tell ?..."

Eole : "I need the information Aeon. The Story must be known."

Aeon : "Verdammt... Sasha and Jora died attacking some Sturm.... I couldnt help them in time... Alexander just... Left. And to be sure he would survived, he gave some important information. Because of him, the lighthouse was attacked. No idea where are Lina and Elena went... I just saw the after math. Blood everywhere."

Eole : "... I see..."  

Aeon: "..."

Eole : "Oh. Sorry about that."

Aeon: "... Yup..."

Eole : "Welp. Time to get you out. But it will hurt a bit. Oh and there is a pod outside, south east of the battlecruiser."

Aeon: "...What ?... How am I supposed to..."

tap tap tap, 

Eole : "Jungs ! Er hat eine Waffe ! Werfen Sie es in den Weltraum !"


[Image: spaced.png]

End of the log.

PS : Somewhere, on a old piece of paper, is a drawing that Aeon made of his old comrades. In order, left to right : Alexander, Sasha, Jora, Maria, Aeon, Ideo, Bandog, Alphonse, Lina, Elena. 
[Image: The_Lighthouse_Outpost_Crew2_2.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Aeon Von Ludwig Story - by Delta_Dav - 03-29-2022, 01:30 PM
RE: Aeon Von Ludwig Story - by Delta_Dav - 05-17-2022, 11:33 PM
The Return Back Home - by Delta_Dav - 05-31-2022, 08:03 PM

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