Merlin1230 (Bourbon Bob/Leonardo Vanbaradi) Mentor app
Usual character name: Bourbon Bob, Leonardo Vanbaradi
BYOND username: Merlin1230
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Merlin1230#6112
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: RP 3 and 4, sometimes I'll play 1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I dont know what to write, so I'm just gonna put something here and see how it goes!

So, I found about SS13 in august 2019, and technically goon was my first server, but it was very daunting for me so I went and checked out another server. Then in june 2020, I decided to check out this server (again technically), and well... I haven't left since! I've been here long enough to see people come and go, and see some rise to become mentors and HoSes... and even admins! Hell, even I've become a HoS! which, honestly... I didn't expect I'd ever make it this far.

And for why I'm applying... I wanna help people join this community! And I want to see other people grow and become better players, maybe even becoming mentors of their own! And I can't be ingame all the time, so having the ability to help from discord would be nice! This community means a lot to me, and I wanna give back more then I already have. I've already seen some people I've taught grow to become HoSes of their own, and well.. I wanna be able to see that guy I taught how to set up the engine learn hellburns, or that mechanic I taught the basics of mechcomp to trap me in some elaborate death trap. That sorta thing is the BEST. I absolutely love this community, and all the time I've spent in it. I want to continue spending time here, helping everyone become a better player!

In terms of game knowledge, I know quite a lot! I've played every job, and I feel I'm decently competent at all of them. I have chems memorized, I know mechcomp pretty well, considering I'm a HoS I know security well as well... I have spent WAY too much time playing this game, I have to... spread all of my experience to everyone else!

And to be transparent, this is my second mentor app. My first app got denied since no-one responded, since I wasn't well known when I posted it. Now that I've had my HoS app went through, I think people actually know me well enough to give responses, so I decided... why not! Lets give it another go!

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I once sacrificed myself for the server and got banned for 1 minute... In all seriousness, I haven't actually gotten a REAL ban. Just this one little joke ban. But... I know I'm not perfect and I have messed up before.

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Merlin1230 (Bourbon Bob/Leonardo Vanbaradi) Mentor app - by Merlin1230 - 01-17-2022, 11:56 AM

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