Mentor Application - NapsWasTaken
It would be remiss of me to not reply to this app, given that I recommended that Naps applied in the first place! Naps has always been a very welcoming and helpful player, and was one of the first players to give me a chance when I was very new and confused when returning to Goonstation after a very long break. They've personally taught me so much about the game, including entire departments at times.

I also see them very often teaching new players in fun ways, to the point where they will often spend entire rounds with a newbie just to make them feel welcome. I think Naps being a mentor would be a great benefit to the community, because they have both the knowledge AND the kindness and patience that I believe is needed for the role. They'd do a great job with the tools available to mentors, imo.

Easily a +1.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mentor Application - NapsWasTaken - by Pleccy - 12-04-2021, 11:13 AM
RE: Mentor Application - NapsWasTaken - by Oremir - 12-04-2021, 02:32 PM
RE: Mentor Application - NapsWasTaken - by Cal - 12-10-2021, 06:57 PM
RE: Mentor Application - NapsWasTaken - by walpvrgis - 12-18-2021, 01:42 AM

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