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[PR] Removes HoS whitelist requirement from halloween critters + nerfs them

About the PR
This pr removes HoS whitelist from crow, remy, and bumblespider jobs. In order to prevent abuse of these jobs, these jobs have been nerfed in various ways. Remy can no longer pass through doors (Dont trust a random person to not just walk into armory and grab a gun). Bumblespider has flail and drain removed from it (Flail is a one click 15 second stun, and it also doesnt make sense for a non antag job to have an ability that gibs corpses.) Remy also gets a chef level infinite access implant to compensate for no longer being able to move through every door.

Why's this needed?
The reason for the nerfs is to prevent people from abusing these jobs. HoS whitelist is supposed to be a thing people sign up for to become HoS, not to play as cool not even security related jobs. Having several jobs that are HoS whitelisted for seemingly no reason seems like it runs contradictory to this goal. (also I want to play as bumblespider).


(*)Bumblespider, Crow, and Remy are no longer HoS whitelisted. The Remy job now comes with a chef level access implant.


Messages In This Thread
[PR] Removes HoS whitelist requirement from halloween critters + nerfs them - by github_bot - 10-19-2021, 05:50 PM

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