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Making the chemicomplier chemistries advantage at chem.
think i'm a big, if not the biggest chemicompiler dweeb so i'll say this:
it's not *THE* chemistry tool, it's just the fastest chemistry tool for complex chemistry.

Chemistry has a variety of chemistry-only benefits, like the test chamber, monkeys, no real obligations.

interdepartmental comms:
Medical didn't used to have chem facilities outside of Viro but the truth is interdepartmental communication is *desirable* when it works, but awful when it doesnt. medical going dry on the most boring, basic chems because the scientists are doing fun science was just too common of an occurrence.

its actual strength:

to put it in scope, if you think the chemicompiler is not powerful, play chemist and make exactly 100 units of epinephrine by hand with welding fuel and the dispenser. the chemicompiler can do that in about 15~20 seconds.
furthermore it's impossible to easily do single beaker chemistry when you're looking to have end-results of more than one chemical in a beaker.

chemgroups do simple~moderate reactions faster but chemgroups are limited in size, complexity, heating, reaction order etc. if a chemgroup can't do it, the chemicompiler can.

buffing it:
if some coder thinks it's a better idea than leaving it as is i wouldn't complain about having yet more power in it, but with synthesis it'd just become chemgroups v2, and open up the comp to all sorts of annoying garbage like smoke and LDM synthesizers.

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RE: Making the chemicomplier chemistries advantage at chem. - by TDHooligan - 10-18-2021, 04:48 AM

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