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Mechanically slowing down the rate at which teleporters can be used
Right now with telesci, you can get all locked crates/artifacts from debris within 7 minutes or so. This takes far less time if you use a dwaine script. This trivializes the process of receiving loot from debris, as its far faster and safer then the alternative method of going out there and getting it with a pod. Here are a few undeveloped ideas I have. The ideas for these concepts are not mutually inclusive or exclusive. Criticism of the basic concept of these ideas (that telesci being able to quickly teleport in 30 things from a whole z level isnt well balanced) and the ideas themselves would be appreciated.

Teleporting in fast succession (Something like over 2 teleports in a 30 second interval) forces the telepad to require cooldown, if you override the cooldown teleporting in faster succession can lead to drastic results. A machine in telesci that accepts telecrystals, more telecrystals helps reduce the cooldown, however each teleportation usage degrades the telecrystals. This makes having more telecrystals in the machine not necessarily the best route, as using more telecrystals is less cost efficient then using a few. Telecrystals can be "Rune written" on, different runes help teleportation in different ways, one reduces the chances of telesci fucking up when youre going past the cooldown, the other makes the cooldown less drastic, the other reduces telecrystal degradation, etc.

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Mechanically slowing down the rate at which teleporters can be used - by Ikea - 07-03-2021, 10:33 AM

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