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"Amogus", "sussy" and so on ban (RP servers)
As said in the title, this is more focused on GoonRP servers, because generally, players on main have no problem with amogus and so on, anyhow.

Most of people will agree that saying "Amogus." on RP is generally not a great practice, and I have gotten an idea, which will supposedly improve the quality of roleplay on roleplay servers. Essentially, make all speech (currently, I am speaking about local speaking, using "say" command or pressing T on keyboard.), which contains "Amogus, Sussy" so on, produce the same result as someone with mute trait attempting to speak.

 I am not 100% sure on this, as to, how would it possible to make a feature that applies on 3 and 4 servers, but does not apply to 1 and 2.

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"Amogus", "sussy" and so on ban (RP servers) - by bl4nk - 05-25-2021, 10:01 AM

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