Mentor Application - Ihaveteeth (Has Teeth/NeuNet)
my personal experiences with teeth are great, i remember lots of fun rounds i have had with teeth and they are also great as ai and friendly, teeth has lots of big brain knowledge with ai and gene and botany, im sure they could use a lot of that to help new people, there was also a time when a player was having a bad shift and after the shift teeth messaged them to make sure they were ok, so im sure teeth generally cares about peoples experiences and well being with them and i feel this is a good quality to have when being a mentor,

so based on my personal experiences with teeth and whats ive seen i think they would be a good mentor +1

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RE: Mentor Application - Ihaveteeth (Has Teeth/NeuNet) - by Telareti - 04-16-2021, 06:07 PM

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