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SUBJECT NAME: Has Sharp Teeth
Quote(s): "I am going to make you not alive."

Name: Has Sharp Teeth

[Image: JWz1C1u.png]

Theme(s): N/A

Physical Description:
Age: 25
Bloodtype: O+
Build: Thin
Clone Count: 65
Disabilities: Bipolar Disorder
Distinguishing Features: Subject enjoys smoking weed, even when expicitely told not to.
Ethnicity: Subject is more serpentine than most saurians.
Eye color: Red.
Scale color: Orange + Black
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 154 lbs

Personal Information:
Alias: Teeth, Tooth, Has, Scaled Fucker
Birthdate: August 13th, 2028
Birthplace: Space California
Biological Sex: N/A
Gender Identity: N/A
Current Residence: Space California, wherever the hell that is. Subject refuses to disclose further information.
Economic Status: Below average.
Education: High School, kicked out of college.
Habits: Smoking, violence
Hobbies: Smoking, violence
Marital Status: Unknown
Nanotrasen Loyalty Index: 43%
Occupation: Geneticist
Personality Traits: Rude, but cooperative, especially when pay is involved.
Personality Type: INTP
Previous Occupations: Botanist, janitor
Religion: Lizard Blood Gods
Zodiac: Leo

Supplementary Information:
Admires: Gifts, money, Clem
Likes: Chaos, weed
Dislikes: Cops, water, monkeys
Fears: Waking up in someone else's body, loved ones dying, dying alone drifting in space, being human.
Favourite Drink: Space Cola.
Favourite Animal: Birds.
Favourite Colour: Orange.
Favourite Book: "You're not getting that out of me that easily, you corporate census scum."
Favourite Film: "Which one is the one about the evil robot on the space ship? Also there's monkeys."
Favourite Scent: Blood.
Favourite Food: Organs.
Favourite Plant: Marijuana.
Favourite Chemical: Fliptonium.
Favourite Star: Betelgeuse.
Favourite Celebrity: "Hero worship is unhealthy."
Favourite Gun: "Which one kills people."
Favourite Monkey: "No."
Favourite Place to Shoot the Breeze: The Lounge.
Favourite Restaurant: Space Olive Garden.
Favourite Vacation Destination: Any desert world.

Medical Records: Subject is prone to mood swings and impulsivity, possibly showing signs of bipolar disorder with potential psychosis.


Bio: "Nah. Ask again later."

Messages In This Thread
SUBJECT NAME: Has Sharp Teeth - by chemtrails - 01-27-2021, 02:37 AM
RE: SUBJECT NAME: Has Sharp Teeth - by chemtrails - 02-10-2021, 06:46 PM

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