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The Role of Security and Antagonists on RP Servers
I think Adhara raises a good point in that its good for people to take a step back and evaluate the source of their frustration as a whole. I was starting to get frustrated with  playing sec/certain other roles, which I used to enjoy playing a lot and realized I was feeling burned out more than anything. Not to discount anyone else's feelings or apply my own circumstances to them but taking a break from basically October 1st to this past week has done a lot to eliminate most of, if not all, of that frustration/burnout.

I do, however, think that there is an element of truth in what some other people have shared here already. While it is annoying to deal with constantly being called shitsec for trying to do the bare minimum of anything resembling actual security work, ultimately it's easy to shrug off/deal with by just taking the next round or two off from being sec if it gets to you. There are issues though, in regards to the standards being applied to security.

What I mean by this is that it is frustrating that it seems like we have to keep giving antags more and more chances no matter what we catch them doing. I understand why we can't go shoot on sight and just execute everyone willy-nilly but it is frustrating to have to constantly keep rebrigging someone because anything longer than a two minute timer causes massive salt ic and ooc. A lot of this, I think, stems from the fact that a lot of Sec best practices aren't really codified anywhere. The space law wiki page gives a brief overview but even then if you try to give anyone the high end of the times suggested there you get massive backlash from players and even fellow sec officers. I totally understand again that sec isn't supposed to try and, "win," against antags but a lot of the times I feel like im expected to be purposefully incompetent. This isn't an issue when the antags are being more light hearted or gimmicky but it often feels like I am expected to act that way even when the antags are being a bit more directly antagonistic.

Just thinking out loud here so as to think of solutions and not just the issues is maybe introducing a system similar to what CM does? They have an automated system where sec writes an incident report, selects the crimes they are charged with, and the computer spits out a sheet with the time on it. Maybe a similarish system could work on RP? Obviously would need to do work to make sure it fits the play style of goon etc so just throwing a broad thought out there.

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RE: The Role of Security and Antagonists on RP Servers - by stagda - 11-16-2020, 04:11 PM

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