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Identity doctoring - Plastic Surgery
Yes, this type of surgery would open up the end for removing faces, see:

Quote:Example would be to replace the final step with a Saw instead of a scalpel, removing the targets face entirely

I would imagine then the face would be treated similarly to any body part in that when it is removed, it becomes an object that is same pigment of the owner.

It would however require both

A) a removed face mask sprite, greyscaled (whitescaled? w/e) coloring that coders then can use to apply pigment of skin.
B) a mob sprite of someone without a face. Yes, horrifying.

Removing your face would be akin to getting your face melted, appearing as an Unknown.
You could wear it as a mask, or you could attach it to someones face and use a staplegun/surgical thread to become that person รก la Face/Off. Again, this could have a high failure rate if self surgery... really plastic surgery whether it be malevolent or benevolent should require some form of accomplice for balance purposes.

I'm not feeling your rename suggestion Flap. That seems far too easy to permanently change your identity.

I want to be clear that from the OP that there's genuine uses for face surgery. It's something that's been a major pet peeve of mine that we can't fix facial damage. But as with all things SS13, there's room for... bad stuff too.

It's getting near Spooktober and face wearing might be my contribution, it's unsettling and spooky. I'mma work on spriting this, see what I get up to.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Identity doctoring - Plastic Surgery - by Sundance - 09-22-2020, 12:33 PM

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