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Mentors could use the "whois" command on Discord
EDIT: Pali (I think) updated the system to show us people's jobs when they use Mentorhelp. My initial suggestion below is no longer needed.

We spend an not insignificant portion of mentorhelps trying to figure out what job or role someone is playing, it would be very helpful if we could quickly determine someone's job so we could better assist them.

I believe any concerns about abuse of this command wouldn't be warranted, as the command would only be able to be used in the Mentor channel on Discord, where every mentor and admin can see it. Perhaps if there's still concerns, a modified version of the command that doesn't reveal antagonist status could be considered.

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Mentors could use the "whois" command on Discord - by Podrick Equus - 09-18-2020, 07:55 PM

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