Roselace - mentor application
Usual character name: Normally Loki Nim on LRP and RP, Bumplestein Jumbalaya on LRP overflow, Nanotrasen Entertainment System as AI, Comment Dispenser as cyborg.
BYOND username: Roselace
Discord username (if you are on our discord): BatElite
Recommended by (if applicable): Emily, Rodney Dick
Goon servers you play: Mostly LRP, sometimes LRP overflow or RP

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

In short, I like helping people, but I also want people to know about all the miscellanous barely-used stuff in this game. Goon is the only server I've played on so far (I tried to look outward, but yikes) and I quite enjoy it here. As I understand there's a bit of a dearth of mentors/admins on at EU times, and while I can't exactly help with the latter I can maybe do the former.

I've been playing since...april or thereabouts of this year? Maybe a bit earlier? Doing most things isn't an issue but getting them set up quickly enough to impact the round is another matter.

Experience by department, roughly:

Civilian: I sort of know my way around botany, but have yet to make meaningfull contributions in supply. Not that much recent experience with bartender, chef or chaplain. HoP is good because you get to run around helping with miscellanous (but important) crap in the background, which is possibly my favourite kind of thing to do.

Medical: I know a bunch about doctoring, getting into the more advanced chems over the last couple days. Know genetics pretty well, but I seem slow at it.  Medbay is one of my favourite departments, especially once things get hectic. :P

Research: Approximate knowledge of how to work all the research equipment (save for the chemicompiler), but not particularly advanced in any of the areas. Progress depends on when I have a burst of motivation - research is notably solitary in a sense.

Engineering: I can work all three engine types, and although I don't care much for doing so I know how to hellburn somewhat (it will end up cooking the station eventually). Only helped stacking hotspots once, that didn't end well. Construction and repair is more my forte and I know at least how to do most.
I know how to do the scanning part of mechanics, but not really mechcomp or networks. Maybe soon though. Can do QM and mining pretty well.

Security: I've been making an effort into getting more experienced at sec, and it seems that I'm softer than you're supposed to be for it. The communication aspect of sec goes pretty well, which is good because I'm utterly terrible at judging those situations on my own. Not particularly robust.

Silicon: AI and borg stuff is fun and I know my way around them and their commands. I play a relatively detached AI (you'll have to ask me to do shit), but not incompetently I think.

Traitoring: I'm not that great at it mostly due to a lack of assertiveness, but I like wrecking things in the background or sabotaging stuff while peeps aren't looking.

Basically, I know a little to a bunch about most stuff but not everything about anything. Except maybe medbay comes close-ish.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None to my knowledge. You'd think I'd remember if one happened.

Messages In This Thread
Roselace - mentor application - by BatElite - 08-27-2020, 11:36 AM
RE: Roselace - mentor application - by New525 - 08-29-2020, 12:44 AM
RE: Roselace - mentor application - by pali6 - 08-29-2020, 03:06 AM
RE: Roselace - mentor application - by kyle2143 - 08-29-2020, 01:36 PM
RE: Roselace - mentor application - by BatElite - 08-30-2020, 03:26 PM
RE: Roselace - mentor application - by Caro - 08-31-2020, 03:57 AM

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