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Enzymatic Reclaimer should only accept butchered meat.
(01-26-2020, 10:44 AM)Vengarr Wrote: If the Reclaimer no longer accepted bones, then butchered meat and viscerite would be the primary fuel for cloning. This would encourage interaction between departments (relying on mining for viscerite and QM/Chef for meat) and revive a lot of those deprecated game mechanics. And you could still put humans in the reclaimer in a pinch, you'd just have to "prepare" them first.

Good luck ever fucking getting the chef or miners to cooperate. I'd maybe be alright with this change depending on how the rock box thing works out. If it's frequently full of viscerite, then I guess this could work. But before then, or if that's not actually how the rockbox works out, then this change would be awful. It'd basically become "nobody gets cloned unless hydroponics is in a helpful mood towards medbay and grows synthmeat" since in my experience the botanists are the only cooperative members of the entire station.

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RE: Enzymatic Reclaimer should only accept butchered meat. - by cyberTripping - 01-26-2020, 05:48 PM

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