Caecilius's Mentor App (here goes nothing)

Wonk is one of many people observing this exchange, and not the only.
I assure you there's no singular whim or veto going on. Personally I'm in it to see a response to the original question, which i'll take the liberty of paraphrasing in hopes of getting some insight:

On the topic of hatespeech, bigotry, racism and general discrimination-

Given the nature of Beestation's current culture & attitude toward bigotry, and given Goonstation's current positions on the same topic, and given that this topic is a defining factor of this community - What are your thoughts on the implications of representing (and being expected, to at least some extent, to uphold) two polarly opposed stances on what is probably the most important issue to Goonstation? Does this raise any issues and what implications does this have for the character of our mentors, who are often the first point of contact for a new member to the community?

This isn't an attack but an opportunity for you to introspect and give us some perspective as well.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Caecilius's Mentor App (here goes nothing) - by warcrimes - 11-28-2019, 11:56 AM

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