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How would your character answer these questions?
I thought of a neat way to catalyze character development - making yourself try to answer a question from their perspective! Reply with your character and their answers to any of these questions, or even your own. If I see any questions I find particularly interesting I'll add them to the list!
  • Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it?
  • What defines art? Or, what is the difference between something that is art and what is not?
  • Do you think art is an essential aspect of society? Or do you think it harms society?
  • What do you consider to be 'progress', in terms of a society?
  • Do robots deserve rights?
  • Do you genuinely think every one of your beliefs are justified?
  • Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?
  • Why are you deserving of rights? And, who or what else deserves rights as a result?
  • When, if ever, is taking a human life justified?
  • If there were no rules or law to influence your behavior, including societal expectations, how do you think you would behave?
  • What's the difference between justice and revenge?
  • Is privacy a right or a luxury?
  • Is morality always subjective or can it be objective? And if it can, when would it be? If not, then whose concept of morality should be agreed as truth? Or is truth irrelevant to morality?
  • Should there be limitations to the freedom of speech?
  • Which are more important when judging a crime: Intention or outcome?
  • If you could save a life but you don't as doing so would break a law for whatever reason, are you ethically justified in your decision?
  • What is your definition of evil?

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How would your character answer these questions? - by aft2001 - 09-16-2019, 07:35 AM

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