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Tutorial area for new players
Currently, new players are summarily dumped into the game without any assistance. The wiki has a "quickstart" guide, but it isn't part of the game proper, and to use it you have to cross-reference it while looking at the game.

I would suggest a tutorial be added to the main menu, and automatically run for a new player's first round:

- Small virtual-type area, either instanced or with a few copies for multiple people
- No way to interact with the "real world"
- A few basic tasks to complete before being respawned to the main menu to join the round for real

The task layout I'm thinking of:

Initial explanation overlays, click to advance:
- Overlay pointing to your mob
- Overlay with basic WASD controls
- Overlay pointing to the health indicator with a brief explanation (green good, red bad)
- Overlay pointing to the inventory area at the bottom

Then some basic tasks:

- How to talk (pushing T); progress by saying something
- How to speak over the radio (overlay explaining ; and Y)
- How to interact with things (click on a button to open a door)
- How to pick up and equip an item (task: pick up a backpack on the ground and equip it)
- How to get an item out of the backpack (take out 100 credits)
- How to interact using items (insert money into the vendor and buy something)

Finally, a final popup explaining the basics of how the intent and target selectors work (basically just some infographics on "help intent helps people, harm makes you punch people, etc")

Then a "continue to actual game" button to exit the tutorial and respawn.

There would also be an "Skip / Exit Tutorial" button for those who already know how to play, but also to enable people to use the character setup tools and preview how their mob/traits look without committing to them. (Change, tutorial mode, exit, repeat).

One for borgs could also be produced with some simple explanations on how to use borg controls.

The main goal of this is to provide a safe area where new players can get familiar with the controls, without having to rely on reading a wiki page.

Messages In This Thread
Tutorial area for new players - by Zamujasa - 06-19-2019, 02:26 PM
RE: Tutorial area for new players - by Zamujasa - 06-20-2019, 09:46 AM
RE: Tutorial area for new players - by Superlagg - 06-20-2019, 11:07 AM

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