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make the plasmatoid disease do something
in order to infect people with plasmatoid, you need a reagent only avaliable in artbeakers so my first suggestion would be to add a reagent recipe for it. secondly, the health scanners list the disease as asymptomatic and there are absolutely 0 effects from what ive observed. here are my suggestions for symptoms:
  • for the first few stages, do some spooky text messages about air hurting to breathe, slowly rack up oxygen damage and slowly make their skin purple. then on the last stage, make them only able to breathe plasma.
  • for the first few stages, add spooky messages about feeling bloated and make them fart semi-frequently. for the next few stages, do some mild burn damage and send spooky messages about their stomach churning and feeling hot, and add purple skin. on the last stage, make all of their automatic semi-frequent farts add a non-negligible amount of plasma to the atmosphere
  • combine 1 and 2. for the first few stages, add purple skin, small amounts of oxy damage and start autofarting. for the next stages, send spooky messages about air hurting to breathe and feeling burning in their guts. for the last stage, make them autofart small amounts of plasma into the atmosphere AND make them only able to breath plasma. fart up a storm to be able to breathe again smile
i know these may seem a little severe for a disease reagent, and im always open to criticisms! keep in mind that the only way to get this would be either an artbeaker or potentially a (secret?) recipe

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make the plasmatoid disease do something - by Wraithcraft - 07-26-2018, 09:41 PM

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