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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Joining late as the HoP and renaming myself "Buttfinder General" with the judge's clothes, I spent the round taking a refresher course in bomb-making, finding a new effective 11x11 mix since 66/33 doesn't work so well anymore. Unsure if the result was successful, I made my way to escape, as the shuttle was a minute or so away... but some dastardly fellow had walled off escape!

So I exited via the solar door and made my way around. I got into the airlock, but the fiend walled off the very shuttle door in front of my eyes!

There was only one thing left for it.

Alert: Shuttle launch time shortened to 10 seconds!
Spigot The Bear (as Buttfinder General) says, "Also some ass goblin walled off escape"
Jacob Muggins has added the cryptographic sequencer to the backpack!
Spigot The Bear knocks on the reinforced window.
Spigot The Bear (as Buttfinder General) says, "YOLO"

I opened the valve.

Fred Burgers (played by Sergeantbatman) was a late-joining traitor!
Objective #1: Steal a RCD. Failed
Objective #2: Hijack the emergency shuttle by escaping alone. Failed
The traitor has failed!
OOC: Sergeantbatman: *cry

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