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What do other stations have that we don't?
(05-15-2017, 05:57 PM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote: Because long brig times don't dissuade people from criming, they just piss people off to the point where they're willing to kill or die rather than sit there for ten minutes. Security would be more of a target and have to babysit the brig more making it even less fun to play, and antags would be far more likely to go for a lethal mass murder approach because why not you're just going to execute or permabrig them regardless.

I personally much prefer confiscating contraband and alternative punishments like delimbing or humiliation and release, the crew is quite capable of dealing with assholes if you take away their access and equipment (and limbs), and it gives the antag players a chance to use their head to achieve their goals.

They can only keep you locked up for five minutes at most. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. You keep doing the crime after your time then I'll just beat you and flush you down the trash. Though I do think more punishments would go a long way but just like the old gimmicks I would try as a antag the other players just don't play along so it's most likely never going to happen. I do want there to be more leeway for lethal force usage though.

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RE: What do other stations have that we don't? - by Ed Venture - 05-16-2017, 10:52 AM

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