FrontlineAcrobat4's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Rube Potter
BYOND Username: FrontlineAcrobat4
Recommended by (if applicable): myself?
Times Available: I cannot state a specific time

Reason for Application + Game Experience: I started playing this game a year ago, and have not regretted a minute of playing it. When I first started this game, I first thought, "What the fuck is this?" and I am going to be honest, it took me a very long time to understand what I was doing. There are many new players out there that had this same feeling when joining their first round,and have had to deal with a tough learning curve. I am applying to become a Mentor as I want to give advice to players learning the game advice, and suggestions as they learn how to be a good spaceperson.

When players first start the game some may think of it as a simple 2D RPG in a Space Station, they couldn't be more wrong. They are suggested to start being an Assistant only, and slowly worm there way up until they can understand how to play the important roles. While being an assistant allows new players to get a grasp of the game while enjoying little to no responsibility, we all know that can never always be the case. While rounds can be calm and fairly stable, there is always the risk of becoming a category-five shitstorm which collapses the entire station. While people who have played this game for a long time have gotten used to these crazy events many new players have not experienced these moments enough be able to compare them from other events such as these. Soon enough, the new player may end up in a situation where he ends up having a pivotal role in the crisis, which could range from Syndicates attacking the station, to the Singurlarity on the loose, or even a huge hull breach, these moments can be very tough for new players, and they may end up doing something stupid. Which could result in being mocked, or even banned. I hope if I become a Mentor, I can help players in these situations with advice.

I have been playing since the Second Donut Station, I have played at least once with every job and antagonist role. (Including Rev Head, Chemist, Monkey, and Alien) I am confident I can provide good acvice regarding every aspect of the station, and be able to understand the point of view where the person asking the question is coming from. I have had some great moments playing this game ranging from being a ilumminati Vampire that forgot he could not enter space, to a boxer fighting the singurlarity for the fate of the station, I have had many other great moments that I could fill the word requirement listing them all. I hope you decide to approve my Mentorship,so I can help new players have such great experiences as I have had and will in the future. Thank you for reading.

Your opinion of Shrek: Shrek should have only made two movies.

Previous Bans: Was given Jobans from: Engineering Electricians Security Offficer Detective AI and Cyborg. All have been resolved. If I have missed any other bans then please bring them to my attention.

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