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State Of The Goonion - Communication is key!
Neat. This post was definitely needed.

As far as features go, would it not be best to kind of list what the community needs or wants? So we can actually spearhead the direction we want to take this?

For example I have two major projects I've undertaken, one recent collab with mageziya and another a personal labor of love, along with the past collab with Noah on the borg patch.

How does a scrub spriter like me actually get coders to take up the mantle? My only guess if theres a large community campaign (rather than these little personal projects) on something such as "we need to fix medical" and then we actually list what it needs, then coders and spriters can do it bit by bit. On the forum no less; it would get lost in IRC or discord. Which is one of the reasons I felt like the current system of coding is stifling; it discourages collaborative effort when things are done behind closed doors.

Nothing needs to change: code still remains private, would only be "given" to other coders willing to work on that campaign, and then we tick that box and move on. I would definitely lend a hand in something like that.

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RE: State Of The Goonion - Communication is key! - by Sundance - 05-13-2017, 04:29 AM

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