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Space pod lost in hyperspace
This has happened twice now, in different rounds: I've created a wormhole with the pod, and entered it. Then it takes a long time to pop out on the other side (during this time, I'm just staring at the spot where the pod entered the wormhole, with both the pod and the hole gone). The second time it happened I timed it, ending up with a count of at least 250 seconds.

I started removing a pair of handcuffs after entering the pod* the second time this happened, but they fell off well before I passed through the wormhole. I was going from the diner pod bay to the quartermaster's navigation beacon, and it seems I did pass through instantly when I created a second wormhole (which I left behind at the QM's nav beacon).

A drone had also shot the poor pod down to the point where flames were coming out of it, but I think the pod was healthy the first time this happened (this may have been before drones were scattered all over space).

*) I guess this shouldn't work. Bonus bug report.

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