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Minor Captain's space suit now slows you down
Syndie suits don't seem to have a slowdown as far as I recall, which makes it really troublesome to fight them since your options are 'run into the breached zone with no spacesuit and get shot to pieces while you slowly freeze' or 'spend valuable time getting a spacesuit, run into the breached zone and then die because you're wearing a slow-as-hell spacesuit'.

On a related note, I don't think any amount of armor is a decent trade-off for speed because 99% of the time, what kills you is stuns, and while you can outrun the stunner no amount of armor will save you once stunned because the guy who stunned you can keep you down indefinitely with an extinguisher while he slowly strips off your armor.

The NASSA suit, for instance, gives you almost no armor and is pretty much considered a necessity for any spacefaring job, to the point where a dozen people will rush for it at the start of every round and half of them will suicide if they don't get it.

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RE: Captain's space suit now slows you down - by Roomba - 04-25-2017, 06:07 AM

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