04-19-2013, 11:57 AM
Wow, excellent job on the sprites. One thing, though, as it stands the still is basically completely useless. Nobody ever uses the damn thing, (even though they get super pissed when I steal it) and it can't get you anything that the bartender isn't able to just pull from his booze closet, or dispense from his fountain. Although I really like the idea of cobbled-together homemade stills, there'd have to be added elements to make it useful. Maybe if you could use the new still with things other than just generic produce? What if it produces stuff other than basic liqour, like advanced stuff (suiciders, screwdrivers) or even actual drugs? Hobo chemistry Crank would be a hell of a lot better if you actually had to set up a row of maintenance stills to produce it. With some extra elements, this could be pretty awesome, but as it is I don't think nerfing something nobody uses anyway is going to have much effect on the game.