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What do other stations have that we don't?
Let me preface this statement by saying I do NOT want this added.

They have furries on the other servers. In addition, there seems to be a huge draw from the 4chan crowds with the lax in rules on bigotry and vitriol.


That being said, I don't think those are positives but for people who are okay with that sort of thing, a server with rules against it isn't ideal. The admins on other servers have typically been less than desirable whereas on goon, they hold themselves and each other accountable. Our admins listen to player input and are responsive to it. I think those are strong postives for our community/servers.

Do we need to work on SEO?

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RE: What do other stations have that we don't? - by atamusvaleo - 04-20-2017, 04:53 AM

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