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What do other stations have that we don't?
I'm not entirely sure whether this qualifies as an ideas forum thread or a general discussion thread, but i suspect it's discussion. If i'm wrong, can someone please move it?

So i recently heard in discord that the map was switched out to cog1 because not enough people were playing to warrant playing cog2. Regardless of whether or not this is true, it got me thinking. Why exactly is it that the other servers have playercounts that are so much higher than ours. What is it they have that we don't?

The idea of this thread is to talk about features that other servers have that we don't that might possibly be beneficial for us to pick up in the long run.

Personally, i think the time delay on accessing certain jobs may be a beneficial feature simply because it prevents new players picking something like secoff or captain on their first games and makes sure that people who have some small degree of competence get placed into said jobs instead.

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What do other stations have that we don't? - by amaranthineApocalypse - 04-19-2017, 01:07 PM

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