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Mageziya's Irrelevant Sprites
The cruiser spriting spree got me inspired to make another cruiser. This time, a Martian cruiser!

[Image: 33N0MJO.png]

Absolutely disgusting! I know, it's not a flying saucer, like you'd think that Martians would have. It's just, after making the cruisers, a thought crossed my mind of making cruiser in style of the martian artifacts, basically like a gigantic, gross, flying tumor dragging tentacles behind it. It's gross and absolutely perfect for cruiser combat.

The craft in general is based off of tumors, intestines, diverticula of the intestines, and blebs.

Another thing that motivated me to make this sprite was how the 10% implemented Martian mode effectively called for the use of a cruiser-like ship long before the concrete cruiser idea was made. That said, I know Sundance made a sprite for a Martian craft, so I personally hope that I'm not stepping on any toes with this sprite.

If I was insane enough, I would have tried animating the flagellum moving behind the craft. If I was irredeemably mad, cloud-kookoolander resident, I would have tried doing that will also making parts of the craft pulse. However, I don't want to spend the next 20 hours of my free time doing that, and the craft looks fine enough without movement.

There might be some problems with the back end of the sprite not quite filling everything in, but it tried to mostly avoid this being a problem.

DMI for this nightmare should be attached.

Attached Files
.dmi   MartianCruiser.dmi (Size: 18.33 KB / Downloads: 250)

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