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Camping supplies for us maintenance dwellers.
I think the idea of hobo-ing around the station is good and will try it.

Most of the items you suggest already have functional equivalents.
There are space heaters for warmth, microwaves and welding tools for heating food, a full-fledged plasma-fueled 'experimental generator' for keeping the lights on in blacked-out parts of the station and the recipe list on the wiki is diverse, long and not actually complete afaik. Do update it with whatever horrid consumables you manage to cook up in theĀ kitchen bathtube.
You can craft many forms of improvized clothing, like capes, or find a fabricator and make proper full-fledged uniforms and space-walking gear. And tools. And weapons. And traps for hunting.

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RE: Camping supplies for us maintenance dwellers. - by The Grim Sleeper - 04-12-2017, 08:47 AM

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