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Buff the Stock Market and Make it Less of a Hassle
Yeah having them in the middle of the hallway is a terrible spot for them. Cog1 was nice because they had their own secluded room, which you kinda need if you want to use them since you usually have a few windows covering the game screen. 

Volatility is definitely the main thing that the market desperately needs though, i can go an entire round and see a stock increase maybe 5 credits then plummet by 15. They seem to go down a hell of a lot faster than they go up. The expensive stocks tend to do good and go up by a good amount when they're on the rise. Unfortunately you need a lot of money to invest in them to actually get a notable return, and if you have a lot of money, why do you need a lot of money?

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RE: Buff the Stock Market and Make it Less of a Hassle - by Sergeant_Crunch - 03-12-2017, 11:15 AM

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