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The Brig and the Floor Flusher
david2222121 Wrote:I haven't rolled sec in a while, but isn't there a confiscated goods locker you can shove their tools and crap in? Besides, if you're worried about them breaking out, just take their gloves away so they get zapped. Even better, take their fire extinguisher and tools so they have to sit there smacking the glass with their radio, only to get zapped when they hit the grille.

By the way, sec officers who take your radio are complete shit and I condone any actions taken against them.
Only the HoS has access to the lockable Confiscated Goods Locker

Also, there needs to be some context to the radio bit there. If you're being a dick and screaming "RAPE" or "SHITCURITY" and spamming or whatever, you lose your radio privileges. Don't be shitty, and if they still take your radio they're the shitty ones.

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