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Comms Controller: A New Job
If this sort of role is added, we should probably look into giving them something to do in the "downtime". It would make sense that they could mess with radio waves, so the console could mess with (wireless) packets as well. This could also take on the form of messing with telecomms similar to how some other servers allow you to (though I'd highly recommend toning down the flexibility here - having your radio comms messed with every round would get old pretty damn fast).

Rather than just monitoring anomalies, could we introduce some level of "mini-game" via the console to be able to avoid them/encourage them? Analysis of the phenomena could identify some key information about it. Examples:
  • A solar flare that wipes out radio frequencies in the 123.1 - 143.6 kHz range is incoming; they have the ability to apply an offset to station comms to shunt all station comms out of this flare range, or to shunt all comms into that range.
  • Long range sensors detect an asteroid belt, with meteors incoming at 94.3, 94.7, and 95.4 degrees. Targeting the PTL can destroy these meteors before they get close, at the expense of not generating income while doing so. Alternatively, a large asteroid that's going to be a near-miss could be hit by the PTL which would cause it to break into pieces, some of which impacting the station.
  • A merchant vessel is travelling nearby - decipher their obscure language/communications to invite them to dock with the station, which would add them to the trader list at QM and/or simply have them dock.
  • An ion storm is approaching. The power in each area runs at a certain frequency (50-60Hz), areas that are affected are determined by random chance dependent on how close that area's power is to the storm's resonant frequency. Tell the engineers to go mess with the APCs to help reduce the amount of issues!

Messages In This Thread
Comms Controller: A New Job - by atamusvaleo - 03-09-2017, 08:28 AM
RE: Comms Controller: A New Job - by Mordent - 03-09-2017, 10:53 AM
RE: Comms Controller: A New Job - by Nnystyxx - 03-09-2017, 12:03 PM
RE: Comms Controller: A New Job - by misto - 03-09-2017, 01:40 PM

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