04-08-2013, 11:27 AM
If you absolutely had to have some kind of SEVERE punishment for defaulting on loans, you could always make it so that if you fail to pay QM back in time an invulnerable Space Mobster spawns right next to you and breaks your kneecaps with a hammer before disappearing, making you permanently move as slowly as possible and fall down a lot.
Another way to do it would be to implement the whole "different packages" cloning thing and make so that if you've defaulted, the machine automatically clones you with the worst possible (like, emagged bad) package, even if you payed for better.
Nothing says pay back your loans like flippers, massive brain damage, and randomly screaming Discount Dan's advertisements. Complete with the inability to suicide so even if you go braindead the crew can stuff you, still shrieking advertisements, in a glass box at arrivals as a warning.
Another way to do it would be to implement the whole "different packages" cloning thing and make so that if you've defaulted, the machine automatically clones you with the worst possible (like, emagged bad) package, even if you payed for better.
Nothing says pay back your loans like flippers, massive brain damage, and randomly screaming Discount Dan's advertisements. Complete with the inability to suicide so even if you go braindead the crew can stuff you, still shrieking advertisements, in a glass box at arrivals as a warning.