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Money/Economy/QM Thread
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Cogwerks, when you say turning ore into sheets, you mean the reverse, right? We can't order ore crates from Centcom, we can only order finished metal, are you saying we can order metal sheets, turn it into ore, and sell it back for a small profit? I realize that the buy/sell metal scam was always kind of a bug, and you guys didn't like it much, but it gave QM something to do. Just waiting on other departments to send us stuff is god-awful, even if it's just busywork I hope you've still left QM something we can do in our spare time that makes us a profit.

No, I mean you can get mauxite from mining, process it into metal and sell the metal for more than the ore. Both sell for less than buying metal crates.

QM has a pod now and there are a couple new NPC traders that aren't too hard to get to in space, try that out for a bit. Now that I've figured out how to work with those things, I'll be adding a bunch more NPC traders in the near future.

Cargo hold upgrades now let you clickdrag a crate into the pod too, so it'll be easier to fly around and deliver or pick up stuff.

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