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Persistent Bank - Suggestions + Feedback
Since this is mostly an effort to bolster retention and participation, one that works well in other games, I have no problem with it as is. Only skimmed the posts so far:

Arborinus - "And what about the people that join as the shuttle is docking?"
Good point. It would probably be best if the system tracked what time you joined. It could then do something like: (roundlength - jointime)*(pay/roundlength)

I don't mind it not going to those that didn't survive, and I kill myself off tons. If partial pay was worked in, I'd like it to apply only to the time you were alive, and I'd like it to have a pretty stiff penalty for not making it out.

Poland Spring - "i like this except where it's tied into the job at all.  some jobs don't make ANY money!!!", "if we are seriously gonna tie it to the actual job then we need to pay sec officers way more so people actually play as them"

Agreed. Because of points like these, I'm deffo with certain jobs getting 'OOC-Importance' boosts - with sec getting the biggest bump. It'll be a good way to bolster the ranks of some unpopular jobs like secoff and mdoc.

Individual job performance: I think is too complex a metric to be used. Hard to balance, easily 'game-able', will result in headaches. Just look at credits. If you want credits, roll engineer or botanist - end of story. Further, some departments (like sec) have no real measuring stick. Amount of people arrested? Yeah nooooooo.

End of round score: I agree with MBC that the EORS has too many holes; it can't be relied upon atm.

Objective completion: Same with above; too many holes. Even harder to balance.

I guess the system might want to be introduced with placeholders that allow for expansion into those ideas, but in the beginning I think it's best to move forward with as simple a system as possible.

Messages In This Thread
Persistent Bank - Suggestions + Feedback - by mbc - 03-03-2017, 12:37 PM
RE: Persistent Bank - Suggestions + Feedback - by Vitatroll - 03-03-2017, 05:27 PM

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