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Let's talk about murderfood and murderdrinks.
I think what should be the metric on whether or not something crosses the line is something if the barman practiced any kind of effort along with deceit to get you to consume something, they should be held accountable to a degree

  • Picking up something and drinking it without the barman saying a word = OK
  • The barman asks you to taste something that the safety of is left unquestioned = A gray area
  • The barman asks you to taste something that they lead you to believe is safe = Bad
  • You ask the barman for drink and they give you something lethal = Bad
It's that second one that deserves the most scrutiny. If a chef made a ton of poison burgers and announced that food was ready, I think they'd be running pretty close to the line of being shitty. While it would be up to you to ask them about how safe the burgers are and they should be upfront about them being lethal, the call to action to get people to eat the food carries with it a small sense of trust that it shouldn't be lethal.

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RE: Let's talk about murderfood and murderdrinks. - by Frank_Stein - 02-28-2017, 01:15 PM

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