Wraithcraft's Mentor Application
After an epic fight to the death with Avack, I have decided that I have amassed enough knowledge to write up the most sacred of applications.
Usual Character Name: Ireen Robinson, used to play as Doctor Science
BYOND Username: Wraithcraft
Times Available: 4:30PM-12:00PM Weekdays, 10:00-1-2:00 Weekends Central Time. (I go to one of those convoluted schools that goes from 9-4) 

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): 
First off, my game experience. I have been playing this game for about 8 months, and in that time, I've learned just about every system except for the finer points of DWAINE and ThinkDOS. When I first started playing, I joined in as a scientist, and that's the only job I played for a solid month. I can play every job I set my sights on rather well, with the exception of a security guard, but that's only because I'm not very good at being robust. Besides knowledge of systems, I've also learned how the game rolls, what to expect, and how to deal with crazies.(You know the type, the ones that shoot you with the zip gun, stab you in the face and then beat you with their leg that got blown off by the zip gun.) 

I also feel that I have the ability to teach anyone who needs my knowledge just about everything that I know and can share. This leads in to my second point, which is why I want to become a mentor. When I first joined the game, everything I knew came from a RPS article about the best free games ever, and within an hour, I found myself playing as a scientist, smacking into walls and punching myself with a pill bottle. After a round or two of this, I complained in the OOC chat and I received a link to the wiki after, quickly reading the getting started guide. I'll still never forget how I felt, trying to figure out how to put things into a backpack or not beat myself with a wrench. It's the memory of that early feeling of being lost that gives me the drive to want to help other new spacemen with getting accustomed to the game and not beating themselves with wrenches. I mean, I'd still help other people with their problems of not being able to scoop out an eyeball or cooking a butt, but helping new people would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I was banned once for IC in OOC. I was also banned by mistake once or twice. (I have a stepbrother that played here at the same house as me, and apparently that carries warnings and bans over to me if they're warned or banned.)

Messages In This Thread
Wraithcraft's Mentor Application - by Wraithcraft - 01-26-2017, 08:16 PM
RE: Wraithcraft's Mentor Application - by Erik - 02-02-2017, 05:35 AM
RE: Wraithcraft's Mentor Application - by aft2001 - 02-02-2017, 06:10 AM

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