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What makes a good station/ship?
Totally agreed that space is a key issue. I feel that Cog2 has too much of it, but disagree with the opinion that Destiny does not: It's a low pop server.
For me Cog2 has too much of ALOT of things:
A) Too much belt hell. This would be rectified by placing QM where belt hell is, essentially making QM centralized.
B) Too much items. This axes the surivival angle of the game, it's not the same when everyone and their grandmother has a utility belt, insulated gloves and taser.
C) Too much room, too much "quirky rooms". There's a problem when alot of the quirky unused rooms are just filler. They become dead zones, great for hiding corpses, but not good for having chats. By too much room, I also mean the general size.

There's also a lack of literal space. I can count on one hand the amount of pod fights I got into cog2, while on cog1 it was quite frequent, because the windows were  largely exposed and there was a space corridor running through the core. This is important.  The space station NEEDS to feel like a space station.

Flow is important, like Zewaka said, but also there needs to be knots, like Frank Stien touched on. A sudden break in flow where, social gatherings happen.

Other things I like
- A bar at arrivals. This forces people to interact, rather than scurry along to their respective department.
- An engine that's in a choke-point, but also not in an area that would create mass death of the crew. Cog2 does this a little too well, there's no fast way around the PTL.
- Speaking of the PTL, the PTL needs to be positioned more evilly than it's current form, without being a massive pain in the ass. Should be easy to get around, but also a likihood that your pod or ejected corpse may fly into it accidently.
- I don't agree that security or medical needs to be centralized. They definetely need to be easy to get to, the latter easy to get around (like zewaka said) the former hard to get around (it's security godamnit)
- Like frank said, maintanence and catwalks needs to be an option of risk:reward. Maintanence shouldn't be something that takes up much room, but it definetely should house items for repressurasation. The repressuration rooms are, mostly, underused because they are effectively useless. Large anchored air cannisters for refilling is what is needed instead.
- I'd like to see the bridge and AI chamber amalgamated in some aspect, or at least near each other. Destiny would be a poor example of this, in my humble opinion, but that's only because of lack of room.

Heck this makes me want to finish designing my map.

Messages In This Thread
What makes a good station/ship? - by Frank_Stein - 01-22-2017, 05:36 PM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Mageziya - 01-23-2017, 06:06 PM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Crazyabe - 01-23-2017, 06:07 PM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by ZeWaka - 01-24-2017, 08:26 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Sundance - 01-24-2017, 10:14 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Maegor - 01-24-2017, 10:35 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Sundance - 01-24-2017, 11:27 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by ZeWaka - 01-24-2017, 08:06 PM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by ZeWaka - 05-19-2017, 08:44 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by misto - 05-19-2017, 08:57 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Maegor - 05-19-2017, 11:02 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by misto - 05-20-2017, 02:41 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by ZeWaka - 06-27-2017, 11:11 AM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Berrik - 06-28-2017, 12:48 PM
RE: What makes a good station/ship? - by Berrik - 06-30-2017, 02:42 PM
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