03-29-2013, 07:36 PM
Shoddy Wrote:This is true. I can name several people that have attacked and stripped me (to varying degrees of success) for daring to attack a wizard and proceeded to scream about how security is shit for not dealing with the wizard.
Every time the wizard come's round there are only like 2 people trying to kill him, most of the others will bust in and kill you for trying to lay your hands on a wizard, or the wizard will do a friendly wizard gimmick and you get the same thing.
I have no complaints about removing the chaplain's ability, i think that it wasn't needed, but the biggest problem about dealing with a wizard is the dumbass reaction from the crew.
All part of the fun social experiment that is SS13, though! The crew that prevent you from saving them from a wizard do not deserve saved from a wizard. Convince them otherwise or give up on the idiots.