03-29-2013, 06:43 PM
the chaplain is basically the only person that can control a wizard with any sort of reliability because anyone else that tries to jump a wizard gets an instant fireball/magic missile, and with that removed wizards are essentially invincible to everything short of suicide bombs (which are frowned upon, so pretty much everyone)
even with spell invincibility, chaplains were easily killable because a wizard can just kill or incapacitate a security officer and steal his gear or ID and then incapacitate and kill the chaplain
it was removed because A CERTAIN ADMIN WHOSE NAME I SHALL NOT MENTION FOR FEAR OF HUMILIATION AND VENGEANCE AGAINST MY PERSON got killed as a wizard by a chaplain that was using his abilities in an intelligent way unlike 90% of chaplains
even with spell invincibility, chaplains were easily killable because a wizard can just kill or incapacitate a security officer and steal his gear or ID and then incapacitate and kill the chaplain
it was removed because A CERTAIN ADMIN WHOSE NAME I SHALL NOT MENTION FOR FEAR OF HUMILIATION AND VENGEANCE AGAINST MY PERSON got killed as a wizard by a chaplain that was using his abilities in an intelligent way unlike 90% of chaplains