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Minor Isometric Walls near Hidden Doors/Sliding Walls don't attach.
With the new perspective/isometic-esque wall and door tiles for Cogstation2, when you place a hidden door/sliding wall next to an existing wall, that existing wall doesn't visually update to make a seamless wall, making it rather obvious that the wall next to it isn't a real wall. Likewise, the sprite of the hidden wall will always show a hard border.

I've noticed similar problems with placing a line of glass windows in a vertical line; If you place one on a tile, place another 2 tiles south and then place a third in the middle, the middle window will not update into a proper vertical window.

I can't imagine that this hasn't been reported sooner (and please do forward me if it is), but I could not find the report.

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Isometric Walls near Hidden Doors/Sliding Walls don't attach. - by The Grim Sleeper - 01-04-2017, 02:17 PM

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