12-29-2016, 03:10 AM
Well, my username is just the name I use in almost every board, forum, game or whatever on the web. Its just the Fenris wolf, the mythological beast that - in Norse mythology - is said to devour Odin at the time of Ragnarok.
And 1991 is just the year I was born, added because there are many people with the name "Fenriswolf" out there and it´s everytime taken if I try it without the number.
Ingame I mostly play as one of three characters:
First of all is The Chef - yes, only called The Chef and mostly assigned as a chef. I hate it when chef is taken and they give me bartender or staff assistant with him instead. He is taken from South Park, obviously.
Second: Mister Harkness. First time I played detective I wanted a name that sounds mysterious, cool and maybe a bit shady too. Then I remembered the questline of Fallout 3 with the escaped Synth/Android A3-21, who was in hiding at Rivet City under the alias Chief Harkness - a security officer/chief. I don´t play security or detective that much anymore, because I´m unrobust as hell, but I use him at other jobs aswell.
And last, but not least: My third and only female one, Lady Rana´I. Mostly botanist or bartender, mostly drunk/high of her own creations and interestingly the character who got the most antag rolls so far. Her name and her appearance are taken from the old C&C-clone "KKND", where one of the leaders who are briefing the player in the cutscenes mentioned that "the leader is in meditation, and therefor asked "Rana´I" to take care of the war".
And 1991 is just the year I was born, added because there are many people with the name "Fenriswolf" out there and it´s everytime taken if I try it without the number.

Ingame I mostly play as one of three characters:
First of all is The Chef - yes, only called The Chef and mostly assigned as a chef. I hate it when chef is taken and they give me bartender or staff assistant with him instead. He is taken from South Park, obviously.
Second: Mister Harkness. First time I played detective I wanted a name that sounds mysterious, cool and maybe a bit shady too. Then I remembered the questline of Fallout 3 with the escaped Synth/Android A3-21, who was in hiding at Rivet City under the alias Chief Harkness - a security officer/chief. I don´t play security or detective that much anymore, because I´m unrobust as hell, but I use him at other jobs aswell.
And last, but not least: My third and only female one, Lady Rana´I. Mostly botanist or bartender, mostly drunk/high of her own creations and interestingly the character who got the most antag rolls so far. Her name and her appearance are taken from the old C&C-clone "KKND", where one of the leaders who are briefing the player in the cutscenes mentioned that "the leader is in meditation, and therefor asked "Rana´I" to take care of the war".