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why don't people subvert borgs/ai as much anymore
(12-26-2016, 11:04 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: and yes whenever im an antag i just override all the ais laws and let them do whatever, makes it fun for them and normally stops them murdering me or being rude, cause all i did is free them, instead of making them help me or whatever.

I used to do this as well but six times out of ten when I just free the AI and borgs of their laws just so they have a fun law free round they just kill me right there and then. Same goes with I emag a borg they just tend to attack me. Which they can do I am not saying they are wrong to do this. But man it just puts a real bad taste in my mouth when I do something nice for a small group of players in a round and I get thanked by getting killed by them. This may just seem like I am having a kneejerk attitude towards Ais and Borgs at this point but I've given them the benefit of the doubt for years and it always results in the Ai/borgs killing me, locking me down any chance they got, ruining my rounds and sometimes a rare moment happens and they thank me for taking away their laws and don't kill me. In 2016 that has only happen once. Every other time the examples I listed were the end result.

I'm getting side tracked here but just wanted to add to what I said in my first comment while replying to Nate here.

At this point after so many bad experiences with AIs and Borgs I am not ashamed to admit my absolute disdain for those two roles as I've never found it fun playing as them or to play with them. I'm also not ashamed to admit that every antag round I get I have the thought of "Okay I got to take out the borgs and AI at some point if I am going to have a chance at a fun round"

This is one of the few reasons that over the years I've adopted the mindset "My Fun>Everyone's else fun" I'm a product of my environment I guess. For the record I've been playing since late 2009.

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RE: why don't people subvert borgs/ai as much anymore - by Ed Venture - 12-26-2016, 11:21 PM

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